
All persons viewing the Hewlett Point Securities LLC Website expressly agree to the following disclaimer as a pre-condition of using said Website for any purpose whatsoever.

The Hewlett Point Securities LLC Website is for informational purposes only.

The website www.hewlettpointsecurities.com  is operated by Hewlett Point Securities LLC (“Hewlett Point”), a broker dealer that is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA),  https://www.finra.org/  https://brokercheck.finra.org/ the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) https://www.sec.gov/ and the Securites Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) https://www.sipc.org/.  This website and any pages or information that is incorporated into this website is not intended as, and is not to be taken as, an offer or solicitation with respect to any security or investment or product, including without limitation, any securities that are offered by Hewlett Point as a broker.  In particular, the Hewlett Point Websites content does not constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where it is unlawful, or where the person making the offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so, or where the recipient may  not lawfully receive any such offer or solicitation. It is the responsibility of the person agreeing to these terms and conditions to inform themselves of, and to observe, all applicable laws and regulations of relevant jurisdictions.

Nothing on the Hewlett Point website constitutes any form of investment advice or recommendation and we make no recommendation regarding the suitability of an investment for any client. While reasonable care is taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate, Hewlett Point provides no representations or warranties as to the reliability, accuracy and completeness of information that is supplied or based upon any third parties.

You may not place any order for any security purchase or sale through this or any affiliated website.  Any such orders will be disregarded unless otherwise expressly agreed by Hewlett Point.


Trading securities and/or options involves substantial risk of loss, possibly in excess of the capital tendered and each investor and/or trader must determine individually whether this is an appropriate type of investment.

Investing/trading in options involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. Past performance, whether empirically measured or indicated by back tested – simulated historical implementation of strategies, is not a reliable predictor of future outcomes. Trading advice is formulated from data generated from trading activity, information/news services and other sources that Hewlett Point Securities believes are accurate. We do not guarantee that such data is correct or comprehensive and it should not be utilized with unfound certainty. Our

 trading guidance and recommendations are based on our honest assessments when their made and may change without notice. We cannot and will not guarantee that if taken our advice will lead to profitable trades.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure:

Hewlett Point is an independent introducing broker, is permitted to have clearing agreements with multiple clearing  brokers. Clearing, commission and execution charges may vary between clearing  brokers introduced by Hewlett Point. It may be in Hewlett Point’s economic interest to introduce one of the clearing brokers under agreement over others. Hewlett Point may not have a clearing agreement with a Clearing broker that you prefer and may have a financial motivation to convince you to do business with a broker that has a clearing agreement with Hewlett Point. Principals and associated persons of Hewlett Point Securities may have proprietary accounts and trade for their individual gain. Their trading positions may be contrary to or compete with your positions. This trading would be separate and independent of your trading. The existence of fee sharing agreements between Hewlett Point, its Associated Persons, clearing brokers and third party registered investment advisors or private funds could constitute an incentive for the firm to place you with a particular clearing broker or investment adviser. Hewlett Point may have third party marketing relationships with investment advisers or funds and may be compensated by them.

Privacy Policy

Hewlett Point Securities does not sell, license, lease or otherwise transfer personal information obtained from prospective, current or former clients to third parties that is collected through this website or any affiliated website, other than as required to effect transactions that are authorized by you and as summarized as follows. When required by law, Hewlett Point Securities will disclose personal information to regulatory, law enforcement or other government authorities and any self-regulatory authority, including the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and any market, and to the extent reasonably necessary, as required to prevent fraud and unauthorized transactions. In order to service client accounts, Hewlett Point may provide personal information to third parties who assist in servicing client accounts and have stated a need for such information.

By accessing Hewlett Point Securities website, you agree to the foregoing terms and conditions.


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